Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Mother's Day Boutique Update

I would like to thank all you who came out to supported our Mother’s Day Boutique and those of you who helped in setting it up. We had our most successful Sierra Adoption fundraiser yet as we raised over $ 3,100, making a new record for our fundraiser events and putting us over the top for our fundraising goal. I would like to specifically thank Andrea, Amber, Shannon, Kim Settle, Cigi, Naaz, Aerie, Jodie & Trish for all their help in making this successful event come to life. Andrea, Amber and Shannon rallied in the last couple weeks before the event to iron out the bugs on our event and bring in some very impressive donations. Every year that we’ve stepped up to the plate to raise $5,000 for a child to have a home, we consistently met that challenge in the most creative ways that Sierra Adoption has ever seen.

On behalf of the kids, thank you all.



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