Tuesday, November 24, 2009

A Fable For Our Times..,.

We were sitting down for lunch with a client at a Thai restaurant on Broadway when the client saw a woman trying to push her stalled truck out of a bus lane. Jack, Jason and I turned to look, the lady was indeed struggling. Before we could say "Holy Damsel in Distress, Batman" caped crusader Super Jack was running out of the restaurant followed by his faithful sidekick Masty Boy. They flew across the street and were in time to help the young woman pull her car to safety. Without any sign of stress or strain our superheros returned to the restaurant and, shrugging off the applause from the admiring crowd, sat down and finished their Pad Thai.
The moral of this story? In this economy you have to go to extreme measures to impress a client. And it's always good to have a side job and some tights, just in case!



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