Williams + Paddon Partners with the City and other Local Businesses to Advance the Economic Development of Roseville
The Roseville Community Development Corporation, RCDC, helped create a partnership between 21 private businesses--including Williams + Paddon--and the City of Roseville. Through this partnership, the businesses and the City have committed time and resources to the success of the Advantage Roseville program, totaling more than $600,000 over a three year period.
What is unique about this partnership is the coming together of private business and a public agency to collaborate and work together on issues that are of shared importance. The primary objective of the Advantage Roseville program is to attract businesses to the City of Roseville, whether it is through expansion or relocation.
The biggest question the partnership started out with is, who should we target in our search? It was determined that efforts would be focused within the State of California. "These businesses want to be here and we know it's hard to attract businesses from other states," stated Mark A. Riffey, Business Development Manager for the City of Roseville, Economic Development. "We worked with a third party agency to identify target market sectors that align with our strengths and goals. Using these techniques, we have identified over 12,000 company names and contacts."
"To be successful we need everyone’s help--the founding members, every business in Roseville, and YOU," he emphasized. "We all represent the community when it comes to those considering relocating to Roseville. So, join the team. If you know of a business that you want to see here or you think would benefit from being here or is looking to relocate or expand, send them to me."
Mark Riffey can be reached at the City of Roseville by calling 916.660.6870 or emailing mriffey@roseville.ca.us.To learn more, please visit the Advantage Roseville website.

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