On Saturday, Jeff, Regina, Mary (her son and daughter) and I participated in Rebuilding Together. We all worked on a house that is in the Army Depot Redevelopment Area off of Fruitridge. The homeowner that we worked for was very nice and has lived in the house for 50 years. It has been in her family a lot longer though. The poor house was a disaster when we got there. The landscaping was overgrown, the paint on the exterior was bad, what siding there was was bad, she had no stove and there were a number of other items that were needing to be fixed and redone (screen doors, fascia boards, gutters, etc.). Mary and her son and daughter were on Team Painting and did a tremendous job of transforming the exterior of the house and painted it a cute grey and white. Jeff, Regina and I were 3/5 of Team Landscape and took an over grown backyard and transformed it into a beautiful garden and sitting area. We all had a wonderful time and it was well worth the sore muscles the next day to help this family. They were very grateful for our time and effort.
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