A really nice thing about working for a large firm is being sent to design conferences in places you have never been before. Such was my luck when I attended Interiors 08 in New Orleans a few weeks back. Oh where to start? I learned a lot about traveling with carry-on luggage (something I had not done before), which cost me all but three of my toiletries. I strolled down Bourbon Street on the Friday night of St. Patty's Day weekend. Need I say more? The conference had fascinating seminars and tours and I met some great people. But what struck me most about New Orleans were the people and their absolute unwavering dedication to their city. Only 50% of the people have returned and the city still shows evidence of the 2005 "Floods" (something every local resident will correct if you say "Hurricane"... which they could have survived... had the levees held). There is anger towards the government and welcoming arms for the tourists and relief groups. The architecture soothed me. The music moved me. The stories will haunt me. And the city continues to beckon me back.
-Andrea Jaggers
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