How to Go from BIM Manager to Autodesk Superhero in 3 Days
Fitness Center Expansion
Continues to Move Forward
Approves New Professional Development and Charter School Facility
One of 230 Shovel-Ready School Construction Projects funded by the State Allocation Board (SAB) in May 2013
If Mattel was really in touch with the world of an architect they would have provided her with a few more useful items. Perhaps trading the drawing tube for a laptop so she could answer the 400 emails she'd get every day. Or a blue tooth headset so she can multitask and talk on the phone while answering all those emails. No need for the hard hat either... with the endless submittals, changes to the documents, revisions on top of revisions during construction she would never have time to visit the construction site anyway. In that case, the lovely dress and high heels are perfectly suitable for someone confined to a 6x8 cubicle. The one pair of glasses should be 3. One daily use, one to see your computer screen and another to read the tiny print on the half sized drawings. That's a little more real but not nearly as fun. At least Ken now has a "Dream House" to be proud of...
... James was the 2 time arm wrestling (or wrist wrestling as he calls it) champion of UPS.
... Cigi knocked her 3 front teeth out when she slipped on wet river rocks. She was 16 but refuses to say how it actually happened nor did she tell her parents how it happened... so you know it must be good! (numbers 8,9, and 10 per the diagram to be exact)