-Brian L.
How to Go from BIM Manager to Autodesk Superhero in 3 Days
Fitness Center Expansion
Continues to Move Forward
Approves New Professional Development and Charter School Facility
One of 230 Shovel-Ready School Construction Projects funded by the State Allocation Board (SAB) in May 2013
The Violators took the field in the first inning Wednesday night and started off with a shaky start, giving up a couple runs on fielding errors. Then Mr. Brett Billingsley stepped up to the plate and started a very fun night of softball. He hit a sharp line drive to the outfield and made it to second with an outfield not paying attention. Then Ms. Schnee Lopez stepped up and hit her favorite pitches (the ones that are at least two feet over her head) directly into left field, bringing in Brett to get us on the board. As the Violator defense shaped up, (that is, Golden Boy Brian got over the shock of moving over 10 feet to his left at shortstop), The Violators started keeping Guilty Pleasure’s offense to a mild squeak. Then it was the Violator’s turn to crank up the offense. Brian’s redemption song was sung as he circled the bases on an in-the-park, two run, home run, tying us up with Guilty Pleasure. Our self-governing umpire, Ryan Culver decided he was out at first on a force play, even though he wasn’t, proceeding to step off first only to coach first base. Once the Umps figured that one out they rewarded Ryan with a out for his dedication. We capitalized with our famous 2 out rallies which are becoming popular this season. I was lucky to get a hold of a pitch and send a line drive past the second basewoman as the whole right side of the field for Guilty Pleasure seemed clueless as to what to do with a ball hit to them, thus allowing myself an in-the-park, two run, homerun. I would also like to point out that Ms. Toni Mizerek made a great sacrifice for the team as she had a good night of hitting and tweaked her knee on a slide into 3rd after scoring two RBI’s on the hit. We hope she is feeling better and thank her for her contributions. I would also like to thank Beth Sherman for filling in and providing moral support! Thank you to all the Violators for a well played, very fun night of softball.
- Will