-Brian L.
How to Go from BIM Manager to Autodesk Superhero in 3 Days
Fitness Center Expansion
Continues to Move Forward
Approves New Professional Development and Charter School Facility
One of 230 Shovel-Ready School Construction Projects funded by the State Allocation Board (SAB) in May 2013
***Not shown is a picture of Jeff, Brett, and Joey about to pass out***
This weekend I came up to “the burbs” from downtown to play in the corporate games, 3 on 3 basketball tournament at Mahany sports complex.
Let’s just say the last time I played competitive 3 on 3 basketball was a couple of years after college. As most of you know I am older now. Joey, Jeff and I went to the corporate games to kick some basketball ASS and show these pansy Roseville companies who is boss. It turned out to not be exactly as we had planned. I remember only 3 things…..panting after the first 5 minutes (knowing we were not done with the 1st game and having two more to go.), guarding dudes that were 4 inches taller and years younger than I, and watching Joey and Jeff pant more than me. Right when the game started I knew we were in a world of hurt; every one of Joe’s lay ups hit the backboard, but missed the rim. Jeff was good at passing the ball, and I was good at 3 point shots……(I went 2 for 15)
Scores of the games:
W+P 15 Other Team 32
W+P 9 Other Team 32
W+P 6 Other Team 32
Best shot of the tournament of course was my shot when I faked the pass at the guys head then took a jump shot in his face and swished it….that brought us to 9 points.
Next year with a little practice and 3 new players we should be able to win the whole thing !