Wednesday, May 28, 2008
W+P Three Wheeled Races
To celebrate our halfway mark through Million Mile May, the employees of Williams + Paddon participated in the first annual Big Wheel and Tricycle Races. I ask you, who doesn't want to break from the monotony of starring at a computer for some fun in the sun? That's right, it was recess time! As we headed out to our trikes, a grand crowd was forming to witness this band of uncoordinated folks attempt to pedal a 4 year old's toy. Needless to say we looked more than a little ridiculous, came home with a few new bruises, and had a ton of fun along the way. We even contributed to our Bike Month tally by logging a total of 1.25 +/- miles that afternoon...that's a lot of pedaling on a tricycle!
Weekly workplace humor #3
Rule #3: Messy desk
Top management can get away with a clean desk. For the rest of us, it looks like we’re not working hard enough. Build huge piles of documents around your workspace. To the observer, last year’s work looks the same as today’s work; it’s volume that counts. Pile them high and wide. If you know someone is coming to your desk, bury the document you’ll need halfway down in an existing stack and rummage for it when he/she arrives.
Top management can get away with a clean desk. For the rest of us, it looks like we’re not working hard enough. Build huge piles of documents around your workspace. To the observer, last year’s work looks the same as today’s work; it’s volume that counts. Pile them high and wide. If you know someone is coming to your desk, bury the document you’ll need halfway down in an existing stack and rummage for it when he/she arrives.
Keep those legs moving!

Also, as I said this morning my goal for all of you is to simply achieve your pledge! You can do it I know!
Lastly please join us in insuring that we are not overtaken by those %*&$# engineers. Please join one or both of the closing rides on Friday or Saturday. The weather should be great and great fun will be had by all. What is the worst that can happen? I promise you won’t fall over dead and, as the old adage goes, that which does not kill you can only serve to make you stronger!
- Eric Driever
"green" tower
9:15 AM

1. single family residence
2. 570 ft. tall
3. 6 floors of parking
4. 1 helipad
5. 9 elevators
6. $1800/ft
7. 35,000 s.f.
8. 2 billion construction cost
9. The architect, Perkins + Will, is so 'proud' of their green washed masterpiece that they won't even put the project on their website.
Sustainability is most commonly defined as, "The ability to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs." Just a little food for thought...
-Brian L.
Who will win?
Snow ride

- Jim and Brian L.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
AIA Convention '08 - Boston

We also learned that the profession in on aggressive path beyond LEED to “Regenerative architecture” and that the Architecture 2030 Initiative ( is leading the way in reducing our country’s dependence on fossil fuels.
And then there is Boston – a charming mix of incredibly historic buildings and places and trend setting new architecture, some of it like the sixty’s era Boston City Hall fueling debate in our small W+P delegation. The current Mayor of Boston wants to tear it down, which is what they did to their cross town freeway (aka “The Big Dig”) which was a great improvement to the waterfront, market place and historic State Street area.
Finally the good news is that we pretty much missed the mini heat wave here. Boston was a lot like early March around here – tulips, dogwoods blooming, and long sleeves and sweaters.
The Page 13 Violators share 1st place for the 1st time!

-Coach Sandusky
Weekly Workplace Humor #2
Rule #2: Use computers to look busy
Any time you use a computer, it looks like “work” to the casual observer. You can send and receive personal email, chat and generally have a blast without doing anything remotely related to work. These aren’t exactly the social benefits that the proponents of computer revolution would like to talk about but there not bad either. When you get caught by your boss (and you will get caught) your best defense is to claim that you were teaching yourself to use new software, thus saving valuable training expenses.
Any time you use a computer, it looks like “work” to the casual observer. You can send and receive personal email, chat and generally have a blast without doing anything remotely related to work. These aren’t exactly the social benefits that the proponents of computer revolution would like to talk about but there not bad either. When you get caught by your boss (and you will get caught) your best defense is to claim that you were teaching yourself to use new software, thus saving valuable training expenses.
The Death Ride

The story begins with a mid week invitation from Jack for a leisurely ride of a mere 20 miles around Lake Natoma. You’re probably saying to yourself, “Oh, that sounds wonderfully delightful”…ha, I laugh at your naiveness. Then he suggests we tackle Beals Point thus making the ride 43 miles…longer but still manageable. Due to a lack of interest (just Jack, Nancy, and myself) he got the bright idea to ride from Old Town Sac. to Beals Point and back. Now the miles were totaling around 63…at this point I’m questioning my sanity. When you add in the side trips the odometer totaled 80 miles! No that’s not a typo…oh how I wish it were. We actually rode 80 miles in 100+ degree heat. Are we insane…YES. Was this smart…NO. Would we do it again…in the famous words of John Wayne “That’ll be the day!” Through all the pain, dehydration, and heat exhaustion… there were a few highlights. The donuts for brunch at Roxy’s really hit the spot and the ice cream cones in Old Town were refreshing. It wasn’t the healthiest food but we had ridden for 8 hours…we earned it! We meet up with fellow Team WP jersey wearing member Paul who added 30 miles to the effort for a grand combined total of 270 miles by 4 riders!
-Brian L.
On Site and In Style
Mother's Day Boutique Update

On behalf of the kids, thank you all.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Weekly Workplace Humor #1
Rule #1: Never walk without a document in your hands.
People with documents in their hands look like hard working employees heading for important meetings. People with nothing in their hands look like their heading for the canteen. People with a newspaper in their hands look like their heading for the toilet. Above all, make sure you carry loads of stuff home with you at night, thus generating the false impression that you work longer hours than you do.
This is the first in a series of how to tips on the art of corporate advancement.
People with documents in their hands look like hard working employees heading for important meetings. People with nothing in their hands look like their heading for the canteen. People with a newspaper in their hands look like their heading for the toilet. Above all, make sure you carry loads of stuff home with you at night, thus generating the false impression that you work longer hours than you do.
This is the first in a series of how to tips on the art of corporate advancement.
Mayhem at Maidu

Biking Yosemite
8:01 AM
Monday, May 12, 2008
Habitat for Humanity

Everyone was able to pitch in. Andrea was a heck of a cement mixer with only the aid of a steel stake to churn the mush in a 2’ deep hole. I got my adrenaline rush from aiding in pushing a massive pile of the neighbors metal “collectibles” out of the way of what would be our fence line. And, as you can see, Leah headed up the somewhat entertaining operation of removing an electrical pole from the corner of the lot. She enjoyed about an hour of watching the men-folk attempt to “wiggle” the pole out unsuccessfully before she let them in on a little secret… “uh guys, it would be soooo much easier if you made a lever”. Low and behold the pole was out in a matter of minutes. That’s our Leah!
All in all, a fantastic day with zero casualties.
Violators Show Precision in latest Blowout!
As the beautiful Spring begins to pick away at our vast roster and send everyone on vacation, the Violator’s make the best of what’s around. That’s right, the Violator’s took the field with only four girls on Friday night, causing an automatic out every time a fifth girl is called for, thus putting us at a slight handicap. However, it really didn’t affect us, as we had a record setting 12 run first inning rally that sealed it for the rest of the game. Amongst those runs was a homerun for Brian Lefholz, on a misplay in the outfield. We also showcased our fine oiled machine of an infield as Elsa Gomez recorded four unassisted outs at first base and Jeff Navarro achieved a one-man double play with a quick tag of a base runner and force out at second. As Team Harvest had a hard time throwing strikes (walking over a dozen Violators), we took advantage of their weakness and finished them off with a big score of 13-1.
The exciting game is yet to come as we take on the team who issued our only loss of the season, The Ball Busters. If we can overcome them with our quality play as we have been for last few weeks, then we will be tied for first place, another unprecedented achievement from the Page 13 Violators.
Please come out and cheer on your champion bound Violators this week at 7:20 Friday night!
-Coach Sandusky
The exciting game is yet to come as we take on the team who issued our only loss of the season, The Ball Busters. If we can overcome them with our quality play as we have been for last few weeks, then we will be tied for first place, another unprecedented achievement from the Page 13 Violators.
Please come out and cheer on your champion bound Violators this week at 7:20 Friday night!
-Coach Sandusky
Funny Pics from the Tour de Lincoln
Not to be outdone by showing of the legs...Robi proudly sports the road rash, bruised ankle and swollen knee...compliments of Jack.
-Brian L.
Tour de Lincoln
Jack, Nan and Randy Dawson (Trish's husband) started off before any of us even showed up. There were tackling the 63 mile ride which included a 3,500 foot gain in elevation. Kim Settle was next out of the gate heading for 1400 foot gain in elevation and a 40 mile ride. STUDS!!!! all of them.......that's all I can say!
Next off was our 20 mile team riding strong: JTW, Trish, Terry Green, Mark, Dorel, Brian L., James, Ryan Culver, Eric Culver, and Ulie (Ryan's friend).
Last out of the gate was our 10 mile team: Nora, Greg Tonello, Kim Tonello (recovering from her stiff neck) and Me, Robi (with only one good leg… you all know this story by now:) Our surprise rider for the day was Terry Green who didn't think that 20 miles was enough for him so he made up his on route and ended up riding 46 miles (6 of which were charting his own course after getting lost)! Way to go Green Machine! Glad you found your way back to us.
In all we had 17 people riding for Team WP logging a total of 432 miles! We all had a great time, at some yummy BBQ, met some super nice people and enjoyed the company of the warm and friendly folks from the City of Lincoln.
Thanks to all of you and your families for coming out. I had a blast I hope you all did too.
Monday, May 5, 2008
Sponsored Riders
3:30 PM
Roseville Arts – Home & Art Show Tour

Timbuk2 Travels
-Kim Settle and Brian L.
May is Bike Month - Week 1

What a kick-off week it was. Here are some highlights:]
· May 1st we saw at least 9 or 10 commuters. And a very nice breakfast provided for us. Thank you!
· Kim Settle’s ride from all accounts was a great success!
· James Engler even got out and rode (If he can do it so can you Naaz!)!
· Williams+Paddon is second on the small Employers leader board.
· Like Big Brown at the Derby we have a dark horse leading the pack! Way to Go Lefholz! Let the records show Mr Lefhoz is leading Mr. Paddon.
· Also let the records also show that with 141 total combined miles the Lefholz combo is ahead of all other couples on the board, even the Jaggers! SMOKIN!!!!
The race is on who will win it all for W+P?
I am noticing some goose eggs on the scoreboard and that not everyone has pledged. We can do better!
- Eric Driever
The Rumble at Woodcreek Golf Course

The WP Tour de Lake Natoma

-Kim Settle
The Unofficial History of Hacky Sack

On a related note, the game that we play in the parking stalls at lunch, “Handi-Hack” or “Hack Pong”, whichever you prefer, is sweeping the country as a new sport. I have included a few images taken from a recent tournament. There is even talk of including it in this year’s Olympic Games! Fox Television has also contacted us for the rights to create a new reality television show based upon the game called “So You Think You Can Hack?” Anyone is welcome to join us at lunch in the parking lot if you are interested in playing.
-Tye Brown
WP Bike Garage

-Rose and Brian L.
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