The first thing you need to know about Andrea is how to pronounce her name. And no, I'm not going to tell you. That would take all the fun out of watching you get it wrong. A little advice if you do get it wrong...duck! Along with being a grammatical genius she is super organized. This is evident by the stack of Post-It notes arranged by size and color in accordance with the color wheel and pens, pencils and highlighters arranged by size on her unbelievably tidy shelves. She is also a fitness fanatic! She works out an average of 163 hours a week and keeps the rest of the office motivated and in shape by organizing fitness contests and excursions.
Q. What is your favorite quote?
A. 'Two roads diverge in a wood,
and I took the one less traveled by,
and that has made all the difference.'
- Robert Frost
Q. Name something people probably don't know about you?
A. I'm half Mexican and took four years of Spanish and still only know two words...Adios and Hola
Q. What is your favorite food
Q. If you were stranded on a deserted island, what three things would you want with you?
A. My journal, some good music, and a lifetime supply of CLIF Z bars.
Q. Do you have a hidden ambition?
A. I would like to play acoustical violin in a rock band.